First Grade Information

Specials-  Hudsonville Public Schools uses a block schedule system for our music, art, and gym programs.  The schedule will work on a three day rotation system.  Because the schedule is a three day rotation rather than a five day, a special such as gym will not always be on the same day.  To help in the confusion of this, I will post on the blog the schedule of what falls on each day for a 2 week period under the “specials schedule” tab.  Our special time will be every day from 1:55 – 2:45.

In addition, library and computers will take place every week and are not a part of the block schedule.  These “specials” will be at a specific time and day each week.  I will notify you in our first newsletter about the days and times and put them under the Calendar tab on our blog.


Recess/Lunch- First grade will have recess from 11:05-11:25 and then go to lunch from 11:25-11:50. We will have a morning snack break to hold your child over until lunch time. Your child can bring one snack to school each day.  Please send a healthy snack and stay away from cookies and candy. Also, I will notify you of any food allergies in the classroom.  Your child will not be able to have a snack in the classroom if it contains an ingredient that is a food allergy.


Personal Items-  Please make sure your child’s coats, mittens, boots, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. are labeled.  This helps eliminate confusion and loss of personal items.  Also, please discourage your child from bringing valuables and toys to school.


Birthdays-  If you would like your child to celebrate a birthday at school, please send a simple treat to share with their classmates.  Please be aware of food allergies in the classroom.  We will not be able to pass out the treat if it contains an ingredient that is a food allergy.  For our part we promise to sing a wild rendition of HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  If your child has a birthday in the summer, we would love to celebrate his/her half-year birthday.  I will send home a letter to remind you of your child’s half birthday celebration when the day gets closer. I will also post birthdays and half birthdays on our blog located under the Calendar tab.


Star Student- We will have a star student each week in our classroom.  When it is your child’s turn, he or  she will bring home a packet of materials for our bulletin board that will profile your child.


Arriving to School- School begins at 8:50. Your first grader will need to line up with his/her class outside the first grade doors.  All the first graders need to stay outside until one of the first grade teachers comes to let them in.  A teacher will be there when the bell rings.  We prefer to let one class in at a time to avoid a mass of kids trying to get in at one time.  This cuts down on the running, pushing, and shoving that sometimes occurs when entering the building.

Dismissal-  School dismisses at 3:40.  Each teacher will dismiss his/her class of first graders. They will then exit the building through the first grade doors unless they are picked up at the circle drive entry or at the office.  If you are picking up your child, please make sure they know which door to meet you at.

All first graders will follow the same routines whether they are riding the bus, walking, or getting dropped off/picked up.


Changes in Routine- For the protection of your child, children are allowed to change their daily routine only with written permission from you.  Specifically, if you wish your child to do something or go somewhere that differs from his/her regular daily routine (for example, go to a friend’s home rather than home) please send a note to school stating clearly what you want your child to do differently that day.

If you are going to be late to school for any reason please notify the office at 669-6700. When you arrive at school please sign your child in at the office and then send them down to the classroom.  Please, let the office know if your child will be ordering hot lunch.  We are unable to change our lunch count in the classroom after it already has been sent in.

If it is necessary for you to pick up your child from school before dismissal, please send me a note informing me of the time. I will send your child to the office at that time so you can sign him/her out.


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